
Unlock the power of the global production music industry by becoming a member of the International Production Music Group (IPMG).

As a trade organization led by international production music publishers, IPMG is dedicated to empowering and elevating the production music landscape worldwide.

Here’s why joining IPMG is the ultimate game-changer:

Industry Advocacy
By joining IPMG, you’re contributing to a platform that champions the production music industry. Be part of discussions that shape the future, support national music associations, and engage in initiatives that benefit the entire sector.

Exclusive Information
Gain access to sector-specific information. Stay informed with regular updates and insights that keep you ahead of industry trends and opportunities.

Networking and Collaboration
Be part of a community that fosters collaboration and growth. Engage with major and indie production music publishers, including industry majors like BMG Production Music, Extreme Music (Sony / EMI / KPM), Universal Production Music & Warner Chappell Production Music .

Industry Events
Take part in industry events organized by IPMG. These gatherings bring focus and action to issues impacting the production music industry.

Data Sharing and Awareness
IPMG is dedicated to showcasing the true value of production music. Benefit from shared data that highlights the significance and impact of production music globally, raising awareness and recognition for its value.

Representation and Advocacy
As an IPMG member, your voice contributes to lobbying efforts on behalf of the production music industry. Influence policymakers, international organizations, and authorities to ensure the fair treatment and recognition of the industry’s contributions.

Member Benefits

  • Early access to IPMG-commissioned industry reports
  • Priority invites to our limited-ticket international events
  • Discount on tickets to our international events
  • Eligibility & discounts for ICMP events (International Confederation of Music Publishers)
  • Networking
  • Vote on major IPMG policies and in elections
  • Take part in our General Assemblies
  • Get access to the IPMG publisher/sub publisher database with YouTube content ID info

Annual membership fee

€250 for smaller independents (less than €500k/year revenue)
€450 for larger independents (over €500k/year revenue)

Please note that all members must be approved by the board to make sure there’s no conflict of interest.

Join IPMG and become an integral part of a global movement dedicated to preserving, enhancing, and valuing the production music industry.

Let’s shape the future of production music worldwide together!

Request to join

Please use this form to submit your application. The email and password will be used to login to our member area once approved.